Logic Puzzles: Answers

Here are the answers to this question set.

  1. Give the next number in this sequence: 5, 15, 35, 75, 155
  2. Apple is to fruit as carrot is to? Vegetable
  3. Which is the correct spelling: 'definite', 'defanate', 'definate'? Definite
  4. If I have five apples and you have three times as many, how many apples do we have in total? 20 apples
  5. The word 'the' in English is: the definite article, the indefinite article, a pronoun? Definite article

  6. Fish is to water as cow is to? Land or field (where they live)
  7. Which is the correct spelling: 'seperate', 'separate', 'sepurate'? Separate
  8. Mary is 1 and her brother Jake is 6. How old will Mary be when Jake is exactly twice her age? Mary will be 5 and Jake will be 10.
  9. Which sentence is correct: "I love their shoes", or "I love there shoes" or "I love they're shoes"? "I love their shoes" is correct as possession is being indicated.
  10. Torch is to light as radiator is to? Heat: it is what they emit when switched on

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